George - ok, understood.
Let's just chalk this up to yet another thing on which we think differently.
I guess it depends on what we are to rate/rank though: is it "architecture", or is it "golf courses"? As you know (I hope), I rather fervently believe those are two different things. I can re-explain why if you like.
Assuming it is golf courses, I'd want precious little representation from golf course architects, especially those winning favor these days - there's just too much potential for conflict of interest, and if you say they can't assess their own courses, that eliminates one opinion from a small group that can't afford to lose such, and also eliminates one opinion of a lot of damn good courses! So that strikes off most of your list for me...
A few of the others would, could, should make it though. I share your regard for their opinions.
I just would want a few more well-travelled golfers who DON'T participate here, that's all. I do find a group-speak here about courses, and a general lack of touch with what is favored out in the real world. It's not universal, and of course we don't agree on much in here... but the general trends are hard to deny.
All this being said, I am not nearly well-versed enough in all of this to make particular nominations. But there have to be a lot of people out there who do get around a lot, have no conflict of interest nor axe to grind, and know their stuff. Perhaps they are all on your list... I just hope not.
You wanna hear something funny though? If I had to pick anyone from our regulars here, I'd start with Mucci.
ps to John F - I share that concern... coverage would be a real issue. But let's just go with this for fun....