I would recommend the book "Oakmont 100 Years" by Marino Parascenzo or the book "William Clark Fownes, Jr. - The Man, The Golfer, The Leader" by John Stewart for those who want to learn more about Oakmont and its evolution. Both books include some great photos, stories, old aerials (one from 1925 of the golf course), etc.
However, if you really want to understand Oakmont, you need to study Emil "Dutch" Loeffler as well as he is far more responsible for the design and evolution of the course then most people give him credit for. It was Fownes working side by side with Loeffler that made that golf course the great design that it is.
One of our projects is the restoration of a Loeffler design and we did extensive research on the man and his designs for our Master Plan and that included the study of Oakmont.
Now you are now arguing hole difficulty is a function of whether a golfer can warm up or not before playing it

If that is the case, maybe you should throw in Pebble Beach's 1st hole because most people will never find the range to warm up (it is a bus ride away).
How many times have you played the 1st hole at Prestwick Pat? I'm guessing once or twice at most. Do you have a tendency to slice

If you struggle with a long iron to start, just hit a 6I or 5I on that hole and you will leave yourself with a 7I or so into the green. It is not that hard.