Ran, terrific interview. Thanks for giving us all some great perspective on a really super guy too. Well done.
I especially like how you detail both Pradera and its great holes like 10 and 17, and then talk about Fossil Trace too. That was a long 12 year process and shows how skilled Jim is at turning his former critics into his allies. Ther head archaeologist at U Denver used to be a staunch opponent and now he's the lead archaeologist at the course! (Dr. Martin lockley for those of you scoring at home.)
Great interview Ran. Screw what blogshares says, your stock always soars.
Here's an interesting fact I bet alot of people didn't know...not a single CHRISTIAN was fed to the lions in the coliseum. In fact not one CHRISTIAN was killed in the Coliseum. The Romans were superstitious. They played it safe, "ust in case they were wrong." All Christians were killed in the Circus Maximus (or as locals say Circo Massimo) instead - usually by getting run over by chariots. If you go to the Circo, you'll almost always see priests walking around weeping and lamenting on how they are on the ground where so many "holy martyrs" lost their lives. Its remarkably powerful.
I took a couple turns around the Circo when I was a student/soccer player in Italy in the summer of '88. We even played a team based near the Circo in the shadow opf the ruins. That was a singular experience, let me tell you! Standing there in goal, then looking off in the distance and seeing ruined temples, then having to focus back on gifted athletes coming at me in waves, then looking again and seeing my friends in the "stands" with ancient Rome for a backdrop...oh to be young again...
Anyway, back to Jim...he certainly has bravely battled the lions...both here and in the outside world and become stronger for it. Its good to see that a man who was just misunderstood as "just having pretty canvases" is now being understood as having solid UK design concepts at the core of his work. Like any great architect, he has his own style, yet it changes from site to site, from client to client and as he ages. Like all greats, he keeps the "wheat" and throws some "chaff" aside.
best of all, you show the wonderful young, vibrant and most importantly human side of the man. Beers with friends, quality time with family, devotion to his North dakota roots...all those things make him well rounded and a fine human being.
Maybe some of it is Colorado, too. There are three places where the synergy between the locals and the golf just skyrockets as one feeds off the other - Oregon, the carolinas and Colorado
Those are places to call home...and home courses...