Don Mahaffey,
You're correct.
I'd rather keep the term "F&F" as a general, desired condition, rather than a quantifiable goal.
Mostly due to the whimsical nature of the factors that affect the attainment and retention of F&F.
The problem with "each club" determining what F&F means to them is that they may not be ojective, qualified to assess, or knowledgeable.
And, whom, at each club, would set the standards and measure the progress and the attainment of the ideal goal ?
In the ultimate, only the superintendent, who's charged with the care of the golf course can determine how best to achieve and retain F&F. Micro managing the superintendent is rarely a good idea, especially when those doing the micro managing are unqualified to do so.
Going from L&G to F&F is no quick journey.
It's best to understand the steps necessary to achieve F&F prior to embarking upon the journey, and it's best to let the person most qualified to measure the progress of the journey, lead the way on HIS terms.
Give him the direction and the funds, and then get out of the way.