Brad, all fair enough answers.
But, I want to pursue one last point using Adam's rating sheet protocol.
Quality of feature shaping:
-extent to which the land’s features that have been enhanced through earth-moving and shaping form a landscape that suits the game and has aesthetic/thematic coherence
I'm going to use Cuscowilla as my example. I find the golf course exciting, great strategically, aesthetically, and not to list each rating criteria that Adam mentioned, I would be placing it consistently in the 7.5s-8 even up to 9 perhaps in areas. Yet, from a technical construction side of things, I have had a very well respected architect, who I am confident is not just dissing the C&C reputation, and a super say that the bunkering is nearly disfunctional in maintenance and performance. That it is a nightmare to maintain. Frankly, since I don't work on that crew to maintain them, and don't see them frequently, I can't imagine that it is that bad of a situation, overall though daily routines. I assume other raters may not be keen enough to pick up on that criticism (if it is valid) either.
But, say it is. Say the rater knows and understands that the drainage into the bunkers is not well handled given the flashed up sand and its texture, and rolled over turf, and slopes into the bunkers not being intercepted in surface and ground water drainage creates a consistent costly problem.
Taken on its face, I'd give the criteria as stated above in the quote an 8.5-9 at Cusco. But, going by the critical eye of the archie and super as to the technical side of the construction (if valid), one might think of it as < 5.
What are your thoughts?