Yes indeedy. Think flying appendages.
And the point is this: not all that many years ago, I too groused and griped about lack of access here in the USA and how the UK model was so much nicer and better for guys like me. I belong to no private club and have many around me at which at least back then, I could never get a sniff. It bugged me.
But the years have proven that JakaB is correct. All things are possible if one is patient, nice, shows interest, etc. I never would have believed that 15 years ago, but the truth has certainly borne out for me, as many here can attest.
That being said, of course one does need to be very careful and proper in how these things are arranged and how they happen. One gets invited - he does not ask for invites. This site is NOT supposed to be golf course, and Tommy and others have delineated the thinking and wisdom about that many times. So this is a dangerous topic to even broach.
BUT... the point remains that in general, JakaB is right. But so are the many others who have said that a UK-type system won't work / won't happen here. It won't, for many reasons. But that being said, JakaB does remain correct... all things do remain possible, and I'm a guy who sure as hell can attest to that.
But this does remain a tangent - I just wanted to post a picture that so makes me smile, and not because of the golf course at all!