Silva's restoration of August was really undoing the work of Bob Cupp, which included the filling in of a Ross Punchbowl. Silva also restored bunkers that were filled in or abandoned. I do not think there were original plans to work from althought there were members and former members who aided in restoring the correct depth of the Punchbowl. I'm not sure if the Cupp renovation work was his idea or the idea of the members at the time. There was an indepth story about the project in Links magazine.
I don't think it is necessary to post that a "large number of members are not pleased with the restoration," since that is true of every faithful restoration that has ever occurred. I had a discussion about this with a superintendent of a course in Massachusetts who told me "a lot of his members" were pissed with a renovation and happened at their winter course in Florida. I pressed him on the details: how many members and are the good players? The answer was: one and awful and, oh by the way, that member is a chronic complainer. So the bitching of one unhapppy members turned into "a lot."
I think because of my years as a newspaper reporter I do not believe a phrase such as a "large number of members" until I hear it myself from a large number of members. I talked with the GM at Augusta CC and he was ecstatic with the work. But, after all, this is the Internet, so facts do not play an important role.