Jason...Is Engineers really better than Plainfield...I haven't played either.
I haven't played Plainfield so I cannot comment . . . I can say a couple of things, the one person I spoke to both about the two gave Plainfield the nod but it was close I believe.
I've also spoken to another gca afficiando who is far more traveled than I who thinks it's better than LACC.
So I think with Engineers it comes down to a matter of taste as to where it falls among the top courses in the country but it absolutely warrants top-100 US status IMO and in the opinion of many others that I've spoken to.
Not unlike Tobacco Road, however, it is a polarizing course and I can appreciate when poeple get turned off by it as too severe around the greens, of course I sternly disagree (as nobody with a st8 face criticizes the gca merit of and ANGC or a Pine Valley as being too severe around the greens) but it is not an uncomon comment. My response is it may not be your cup of tea and you may not want to play it all that often but you must recognize it's merits nevertheless.
And, there are those of us who thrive on quirk and what ECC offers on the greens and we long to play it again and again.