I do not find economic that complex. Hypothetical:
If you were a muni in Ohio, charging $45 for 18+ cart; would you rather be in an area where 1,000,000 people have $1,000 of spendable cash for recreation, or where 1,000 people have $1,000,000. Ask same question if you were an exclusive CC.
New we are getting less and less people with $1,000 of spendable, but more with $1,000,000. Whose golf courses will struggle, whose will thrive?
Yes, Tiger Woods was a definite factor on popularity too. But he is still here. Golf is still popular; more so on TV than ever. But the publics struggle, and the private thrive. Do not believe for a second that economic policy [geyser-up economics] is not the greatest factor. It's really easy to understand, if you are willing.
Jeff; being poor is hard for someone who loves great and beautiful courses as I do. I swear someday I am gonna get up to Northern Minnesota somehow. You clearly did some special work up there ..... thanks.