Some agronomic answers for inquiring minds.
The entire course will be plated with sand/sandy loam. We have ample amounts and although it's not a high perc sand it will be a fine growing medium. I'm partial to a top soil with some organics and water retention properties anyhow, so even though some white coats may say its not the best...I like it.
The drainage plan/installation is my primary focus at this time. Mike created a very detailed drainage plan, and I've added to it where I felt more drainage was necessary. I'd rather add it now then later, and I haven't been shy about expanding the plan. However, most of the drains in the turf are very small; usually the drain grates will be 4 inches, while the drains around the perimeter tend to be larger. So, yes, Jeff that bunker and everything else will drain just fine. We've had about 10 inches of rain in the last two weeks and where we have basins we can work today.
The clay sub soil is a bitch to work, but I believe we've found a very novel way of getting it into wrinkled, yet maintainable shapes without the usual effort required to shape a heavy soil.
Mike and I designed the irrigation system...with some technical help from Rainbird. Everything was sized based on a deep, infrequent irrigation management plan. Our goal is to water about every 4th night during dry periods. So the system is sized to allow about 1/4th of the golf course to be watered, heavily, each night. We'll see how it works as we don't want the course to play differently from hole to hole. I think I have a good plan as I've done this before, but I'll wait to get more specific, if anyone cares to know, until after I've actually managed the course for awhile.
The greens will be built out of the same soil as everything else. So, the entire course will have like soils...something I was hoping for...thank God we've got a client who is willing to take chances. USGA greens would have cost about 500K more...and that's a conservative estimate. We're a long ways from any good sand pits.
Greens will be an ultradwarf...and very challenging with a target speed of 9.5 to 10 on the stimp (but we will not own one so we'll guess
Through the green is one type of bermuda...mowed close 1/2 inch to 3/8ths. So all the bermuda will either be greens height...or fwy height. 2 heights of cut.
Perimeters will be revegetated with a warm season mix that will include buffalo grass, native bahias and some other coastal grasses.
We'll try to grow lean, dry turf. We'll mow with volume equipment. We want the course to look nice...but we will not own an edger.
If anyone has specific questions about how we plan to maintain the course I'm happy to answer as long as you realize it's only a plan and reality may be different.
It's been fun to work with Mike as he's given me a lot of freedom...the client is great and to say he's chomping at the bit is an understatement. I’ve had a good time with Joe Hancock as he has come down and shaped a few weeks for us and he'll be back soon.
All for now.