Ballyowen is very good.
I don't get the love for Ballyowen. I played there yesterday and was underwhelmed. The practice area was horribly maintained. Other than the pro at the cash register, the staff wasn't very friendly. The greens were very thatchy (like walking on a carpet pad), and the cart path only rule made for a very long day. On a positive note, the scenery looking out to High Point State Park in the distance was wonderful.
Architecturally, it just didn't do it for me. I know they're trying to be a links style course, but I didn't know links had inland ponds. The bunkering was uninspired.
Actually, the course reminds me of Greenback at Heron Lakes in Portland, OR (which may be one of the greatest bargins in golf at $40 for a weekend round).
Ballyowen is "OK", but definitely not worth the >$100 price. And I can't see how it gets to be #1 or #2 in NJ.
In terms of NJ publics, I greatly preferred (in no particular order) Twisted Dune, Sand Barrens, Pine Barrens, and Architects.
I also put Ballyowen far below Beechtree, my favorite local public course, and Wyncote, another course within 25 miles of home. And now that I think about it, I'd much rather play Honeybrook, Jim Blaukovitch's nice family owned course not far from me.