Ummm, paging David F. Miller III,
Umm Dave?
Your secretary called,
your V.P. of Sales called,
umm, One Hung Low called from your overseas plant something about an insurrection and an explosion,
uh Dave, hello?? Uh Dave, the landscaper got drunk and cut down the pear tree at the Dover estate and mowed the artificial turf on the practice green then stole a case of scotch and crashed your Porsche.
Brian called, something about several girls moving in to the condo with him and he'll need two more new cars to work out an equitable rotation, the one you just got him just isn't gonna hack it.. I don't know it's complicated, call him.
But don't worry about a thing, Uncle Bakey has things under control for you pal.
Oh, one last thing, that arrogant Boston Brahmin from the private bank called, Sturgely Atwater or something, babbled on about maturation dates and stuff, I told him you were helping out the USGA, he confused that with those guys with the sheets I guess 'cause he says you're off the board and they bought all your stuff back at 10 cents on a buck, I don't know, it's complicated.
Anyway I sure hope all those other guys out there with the funny hats and blazers appreciate all you do for them... gotta run, the Dover volunteer Fire Dept. is on the phone, I wonder what the hell they want.