To me a student athlete should be nothing more then a student athlete, striving to be the best he can be at his yourthful age, building a foundation for a bigger, better life that lay ahead. If he scores touchdowns and then turns around and finds cures for cancer, well then I find him to be an exceptional human being with a brilliant and promising future. He's setting an example for himself and others, not providing a living for family and friends while in school, ala Reggie Bush.
To turn a blind eye to this, especially when a so-called "student/athlete is driving the expensive pussy wagon to school and practice, well I think the university is questionable in itself. USC has always attracted these kinds of problems, in fact they welcome them. So do their upper alumni.
Schools like Notre Dame and even Northwestern for that matter either don't offer them opportunities due to previous records or simply suspend them from activities all-together. Now I'm not going to be naive and say that ND doesn't get some bad apples, they arne't nearly of the questionable sorts as to hire agents, get their families houses on the margin, etc.
I'll have you note that I didn't attend college, and I speak entirely from the outside looking in. I look back at it now and realize just how great it would have been to go to a four-year school and learn, just to have that opportunity. To hear of those who abuse that opportunity, well it sort of pisses me off, but then again, why am I not surprised?