I have left this alone, because my joy at the stomping of South Bend is personal, a I do not like to gloat [much

]. But a comment about a side issue must be made.
The horrifying calls at the Oklahoma v Oregon game are far from an isolated incident. Team have been going into PAC-10 schools and getting knifed by refs for years. Are you surprised that, unlike most deals when interconference 'powers' schedule games, the PAC-10 insists on homey officials. The stories are obviously true.
The PAC-10 said these officials were guilty of 'mistaken' calls. Who could credit that. The replays are BLATANTLY clear! These calls were simply cheating, nothing less. There is now way they looked at that onside kick and said 'nope, not clear enough to overturn'. I am far from an Oklahoma fan; MOF I do not have a 'dog in this race'. But I saw what i saw.
What actually gets me to comment [as if I nedded are reason

] is a comment made earlier here. I will not embarrass the perpatrator: "Great teams overcome bad calls, no matter how often or how timed, so it is not an excuse."..........! Why do people even mouth such cliches, like they make any sense at all.
When you have two good teams playing a single call at a critical time can simply turn everything around and be irrecoverable. Here; Oregon had to score twice in 70 seconds, and HAD to recover the onside. Not only was the early touch ignored, but the fact that Oklahoma recovered was ignored. But still it was not over. They must 'help' again by a pass interference call that boggles the mind. NO RECOVERY WAS POSSIBLE, even had Oklahoma been a 'great team' like mighty Notre Dame of even wimpy Michigan. I hate cliche platitudes like that! They are only ever mouthed by those not put off by the results. Betcha no one in Norman is saying "Great teams overcome bad calls, no matter how often or how timed, so it is not an excuse." Gaa-a-ah!