It was interesting to read Jason's starting post on this thread. We haven't had the chance to golf together, but just from the way he was stating the case I was getting the feeling he was a low handicap golfer. I'm not picking on you Jason

, and you confirmed my hunch later in the thread that you are a 4-5.
I play off around a 12 (I assume since I don't post scores) and one mistake Jason makes is assuming that a low handicap golfer can pick up on a courses subtleties and adjust more quickly. As a 12 it's not that I can't pick up on what needs to be done, I just happen to be such a headcase with a golf club in hand that I don't get it done (faulty swing, demons, etc..)
I think that there are a lot of great courses that will appeal to most golfers, but few, if any will appeal to all. I always list Prairie Dunes and Royal Dornoch as some of my favorite courses that I feel are the most balanced tests of golf I have seen. By balanced, I mean that all 4 aspects of the game are tested fairly equally (driving, approaches, short game, and putting). Most courses seem to emphasize one or more aspects more than other aspects. I'll use Pasatiempo as an example. 5 or 6 years ago the predominant aspect was putting, because the greenspeeds were a little (to a lot) over the top. Thus you felt like most of your putting was defensive (just trying to avoid 3 putting, rather than trying to make putts) Driving the ball was probably the easiest (except the first hole, due to the range restrictions), followed by approaches, then short game and putting being the hardest aspect. Now, the greenspeeds have been dialed back a bit so the greens are still challenging, but it feels like a more well-balanced test for 3 of 4 components with driving being easiest still. However, I doubt that Pasa appeals to all golfers because that course can just kick your butt. I hit the ball quite well there last week and shot 87, at a lot of other courses with that ball striking I would have probably broken 80. However, that is what makes Pasa great in my book, I was just a little bit off most of the day and I paid for it. At a lot of courses I would have gotten away with slight miscues. That is not going to appeal to most golfers.
Prairie Dunes isn't going to appeal to all golfers, because when they lose a ball in the gunsch they are not going to be happy, even though on most holes you have to be pretty off to put a ball out of play.
Rustic Canyon isn't going to appeal to all, because I am sure there are golfers out there who get eaten alive by the short game and putting demands of the greens and surrounds.
Not all courses appeal to me, some are just so demanding that I feel like my head is in a vise by the end of the round. That doesn't mean the course isn't great, it just means that the course just happens to emphasize the weakest parts of my game generally.