This being a reasonably international web site, I assume the ‘different than here’ refers to America.
I’ve played in America, Canada, the U.K., New Zealand & of course, my home country Australia. I haven’t found golfers to be different anywhere in the world regarding architecture or particular designers. I have played with many Americans who had no idea about architectural pedigree, even when playing courses like Bethpage Black, Southampton, Garden City, etc. When I was playing Pacific Dunes, I referred to Doak & some other Doak courses I had played. The American guy I was playing with turned to me on the 8th & said, “What the hell is a Doak?”, as he was unaware who Tom Doak was, even though he was playing one of his courses. We had a good laugh about it over the next few holes.
Most of my golfing friends here in Australia are into golf course architecture & we often have long drawn out debates on the subject. I have gravitated to those people because they have the same interests as me, & you probably find the same with your friends. In Australia, many golf course housing developments are marketed on the name of the architect, although often for the wrong reasons.