...did technology start to get so overwhelming.
Wasn't it just ten years or so ago when people would never, ever hit a 460cc driver?
When there was no such thing even close to a ProV1?
Wasnt it thirty or so years ago when wooden drivers were still being used?
When spinning a ball back was about impossible?
When hitting a 250 yard drive was huge?
When did this huge technology thing come booming in and why did it take so long?
Why has, in ten years, technology grown more than it had in the previous 60 years? 80 years? 100 years!?
And, when did the trend to make courses so long begin?
Did this trend begin just a few yuears ago?
Is it becoming out of proportion?
I think some holes are becoming unplayable for me, and I don't consider myself a bad golfer.
Even green speeds have gotten excessive enough to where the course I love most is having to rebuild some of their greens.
Why the sudden change in the past few years when it the previous 100 years nothing like what is happening was ever even thought of?