If I could schedule that I'd gladly take it, just to prove a point. Some courses I have walked are:
RTJ trail at Oxmoor valley in Burmingham. walked both the Ridge course and Valley course in the same day.
Coyote Hills in Orange County CA. One of those courses layed out on the spare ridge property within a housing development.
Many hilly stretched out courses in the midwest and south, a few are;
TC of Iowa, Bos Landen, TPC Deere Run, Deacons Lodge, Mount Vintage Plantation (SC), Chestatee (GA), Eagles Nest? (MO), I could come up with more I am sure if I really thought about it.
Let's put it this way, I regularly take canoe trips into the BWCA and portage a heavy pack AND a canoe together anywhere from a few hundred yards to just over a mile in one shot. we may do that 10 or more times a day.
Trust me, I am not a specimen. I am a very average guy, and that's my point. I think people underestimate their physical capabilities and give way to prevailing thought that these courses just are not walkable. I'll never buy that.