Tiger knows the golf course as well as anyone, he won here and he appears to be playing well. If he has his A game he will win. If not, he will probably still win.
I figure Tiger to win 10 of the next 25 majors. I expect that in 6 years he will have both the Masters and US Open records for most wins. Eventually, he will have all the records.
The fields in these events are full of talent but Woods is clearly among the top 2 or 3 players in the history of the game. Only Nicklaus and RT Jones ever played this game for any sustained period as well as Woods.
No one will ever break the record of Jones from 1923 to 1930 where he played in 21 National Championship and won 13. 62% wins is unattainable today.
If Woods remains healthy he could put up some numbers that will never be beat.