Alot of the information that I am dealing with is already being preserved and is in special collections. If anything, what could be done with information such as this is to develop a database. I have already provided the USGA and the AAFLA with an index that I made of the "Fairway" magazine dealing with any mentions of the specific courses and photos. It took me a long time and when I went to UC-Berkeley to have it kept with the magazines they could not believe that I had done that. I did it because too many people had looked at the magazines just for their course bypassing all of the other info. I have used the info to help other courses and hope to have an article in the NCGA's magazine when I can get around to writing one that will help to get the info into the right hands. It is really amazing how much info is out there if one really looks!
That is one of my beefs, too many historians research what is at their clubs and only go over whatever info they have always had. I know that I am an exception, but I have turned up some pretty amazing things that did not take me too long to find. I have a funny story of tracking down a relative of a very important photographer in the Bay area that started photographing golf courses in 1918 through to at least 1945. He took thousands of photos and there are very few that still exist. He basically captured the golden age in the Bay area and if his collection is ever found it would be a very substantial find. His name was A.D. Mills. Anyway when I finally tracked down a relative he was surprised that I was interested in his grandfather. We started talking about his family history and I actually knew it better than he did. He had some of the dates wrong, but I did not want to scare the guy! I am still hopeful that those pic's are out there somewhere and I will always be on the lookout for them.
Also, not all of us are lucky to have Far Hills or even the Old Ralph Miller Library on our doorstep. It would be something to have some satelite collections or interlibrary loaning between local associations. I know that the NCGA has a nice collection, albeit small, but it is a start. It would allow people to do research on there given area and allow for easier access. I know that the devil is in the details, but I would take advantage of it.
Also, if there are any people with connections with SEGL reading this I would love to see some of the early Pacific Coast and Golfer magazines.

. It took me a couple of months of late night viewing to get through all of the current online info and I feel like a junkie looking for another fix.