Tom, I stand corrected, thank you for the clarification. The "and" makes the comment even more appropos. I still think it is the line of the Open. Which archies was he possibly referring to...? Perhaps all of them that design their courses to lush green turf textures, with irrigation and maintenance as the highest priority, those that are geared to sell the Shangri-la lifestyle where no ones hair or clothing is mussed up, nor do they sweat through their golf shirt, the windows of all the mansions lining the course are sparkling, the ponds shimmer with the tinkle of waterfalls and fountains, muzak plays at the guard shack where you check in, and sounds of birds twirping is actually piped into speakers hidden in the bushes around the course. Their archies are always tauted as "world renown" and "achies X has created his masterpiece at the Xcourse, or adverb/adjective, at X place.
and, the peasant inky fisted writers that ascribe and promote these idyllic notions as somehow - golf...