Ocean Dunes is about a mile to mile and a half, directly above Sandpines. It was owned by Architect Bill Robinson, a former partner of Geoffrey Cornish, who relocated to Florence in the late 1980's and did some minor work on the Oregon coast. His original designs were the Members Course at Tukwilla, which is actually a pretty enjoyable course to play and a kick to walk. He also remodeled Gearhart Beach and Salishan Beach. I thought his changes at Salishan were pretty darn good.
At Ocean Dunes, Robinson took a run down 9-hole semi-private course that was on life support and created some fairly interesting golf. He also purchased a couple rows of dunes that ran along city water department property which gave him the room he needed to expand the course to a full 18 holes. The property featured many natural blowouts which were not utilized to their fullest in my opinion. Still the golf is more interesting then Sandpines. I've probably played the course twenty or more times, and I would surely go back again, simply because of the possibilities of the site.
From start to finish, you can't help to think what this property could have really been like if in the hands of a really good designer, and that's not to discredit Robinson who did the best he could with what he had when he got there.
The par 4, 5th maybe a lost opportunity in regards to building a natural Alps-like hole. He in fact built something similar, and it works, but because of the wind, it is close to impossible to even keep sand in the bunkers on that portion of the property. I was fortunate to have Mr. Robinson show me this himself in person on successive days.
I think the par 3's are a kick, and the short par 4's even more challenging. the course maintains a good balance of holes, albeit a tad bit too repeticious in some spots. Still the holes work and if I was going to compare it to Sandpines, I would probably say 8-2, maybe 7-3 out out of 10 rounds. But only because of wanting to try something different.
I'll try to post some images later.