Bill, Hang with me a bit. We'll change that attitude!
Actually, Adam has pretty much hit my critique of it squarely on the head. Before you were on here, about four years ago, I was commissioned by a very astute observer of the website, to apply my Photoshop abilities to a photo of Royal County Down with bunkers that were from a Rees Jones course with blinding white crushed marble. (Just to reinform my good friend Patrick Mucci, there is a H-U-G-E difference between white sand and crushed white marble, and the dunes of Friar's Head are not even remotely close to the same charateristics in color and consistency! THANK GOD!)
When I displayed the two photos, it was obvious that there was a huge difference--rough scraggley bunkering to clean edged and just plain F-ing BRIGHT WHITE.
The reason why is--and I'll quote my friend who sponsored these notions and commissioned the photo--that we all have different lenses, different eyes. The same can be said of tasting wine. Some of us have different palates so things taste differently.
Then there are some of us that are limited because we don't know how to open up the aperature, focus it, let alone do simple cleaning and maintanence. But we do have the ability to see, and when you do--WHAMO!--You'll suddenly be able to see it!
I know this because I have been on that side of the fence.
The very first time I saw it was in The World Golf Atlas when reading the review of Merion for the very first time. Looking at those bunkers, I was sort of like, "well that doesn't look very appealing"And in fact, your going to get a HUGE laugh out of this--I thought Ted Robinson's pot bunkers looked great! How's that for dirty and out of focus?!?!?! (this is in fact the truth) But then where it really took hold was when I saw for the very first time what the bunkers once looked like at Riviera.
And that was my epiphany!
So in my best Morpheus-like voice, (from the movie, The Matrix.)
You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Take the Red pill Bill. You won't be sorry.