I think there have been several good comments made in this thread.
First and foremost, I very much agree Kirk and Adam in that other plays do think about architecture and how it impacts them, even if on a subconsious level. The fact that they don't want to discuss it, analyze it, participate in chat board does not mean that they don't think about it.
Secondly, I've yet to meet anyone, (GCA'ers excluded), that want to discuss it in depth beyond "thats a pretty pond with a fountain". So in this sense, I can see why this is the common perception on this site.
Third, in my experience, its true that I've heard far far more comments about how something is either "unfair", "tricked-up", "punishes a good shot", "its all right in front of you" more than one seeing a heaving fairway with hidden bunkers and undulations and hearing, "sweet this is very cool". I guess that part of the televised pro game really has done a trick on them, because I'm not sure where else they would get that stuff from.
As for just being an ordinary golfer, while thats very true of my golf game, its not true of what's held my attention while playing. Long before I ever set foot on GCA.com my friends always thought it was weird that I kept looking at the golf course and trying to figure out why I did or didn't like something about it. Or why a feature was done a certain way, etc.