I was at a wedding over the weekend and, of course, took the opportunity to catch up with my friends and the state of their games.

One of my friends plays every day, and has played many courses, both older and newer, overseas and the US. We were discussing the golfclubatlas site, and he asked how the members viewed Fazio. I won't go into what I relayed, but I did indicate many on here prefer older "classic" courses.
His response was interesting - he said that when someone says "classic course" to him, he thinks "Easy tee to green, tough as nails around the green". That sounds pretty reasonable to me.
Then I was reading the recent (excellent) Ballyneal thread, and came across this gem from Larry Kelto:
I saw John Kirk shoot 69 and two days later saw a scratch man who will not be named shoot 81. Wind conditions were the same for both players, but John hit his intended spots in the fairway, and the other one didn’t. John then had much better stances and angles of attack to the pins. John also was very observant when on the greens – an absolute must for scoring at Ballyneal.
I think this is, in large part, why my friend feels as he does. He sees the width and forgiving nature of many older courses off the tee - i.e. not chock full of water or other unplayable hazards - and doesn't see that, while there may be a lot of playable width, the effective width is far less, leading to situations such as Larry describes.
Do you agree with my conclusion, or am I just biased?