Of course I like it. It's a golf hole, isn't it?
Of course it's hard to tell in from a photograph, but it looks as though taking a more risky line off the tee (challenging the bunker) results in a cleaner lay up on what appears to be a five par; playing safe to the left creates more interference on the second from the left side fairway bunkers.
Can't make out if it is reachable in two (if it is, it would only be by taking a line over the big bunker) but if it is, what appears to be a cape style green could create some problems if not reached successfully.
The fairway bunkers which appear to be somewhat short of the green add interest and challenge to the lay up shot.
It seems to be a very agreeable hole.
For an interesting mental exercise, imagine the open, unmaintained area right of the hole as ocean. How would this change your perspective of the hole, if at all?
BTW, the setting looks beautiful. What course is it?