Mike, that is not quite true, as I manage to look rather cool and manly with my pullcart while I listen to Kansas playing on my Walkman.
I will concede that "The Wall" and "Cheyenne Anthem" were two of the high points of the last musical epoch.
Unfortunately, you and I were likely the only ones to take notice.
Truly, what happened to those guys? I mean, their first several albums were superb and original, hitting a high point with "Masque" and "Leftoverture", and then....well, "Point of Know Return" had it's moments, the one with the Indian theme was possibly underrated, but then they just became some annoying inferior version of their worst characteristics.
I mean, how do the same guys write "Dust In The Wind" and then sink to "Got to Rock On" in a couple of years?
I'm trying to think of an architectural analogy to keep this thread remotely on point, but unfortunately, it's pointless and I'm obviously at the point of know return.