What are the architectural characteristics and maintenance regimes for such a course?
1) width, width, and more width;
2) irregularly shaped bunkers of various depths, probably no more than 30 to 40 in total, a few on the hook side of the hole, some diagonal, some in clusters, but usually in ones or twos;
3) irregularly shaped greens of varying sizes (no correlation between length of hole and green size), within complicated complexes, full of internal contours, false fronts and sides, "greens within greens", and more than a couple running away from the line of play;
4) few water hazards, with running brooks much preferred to lakes and ponds; oceans or major natural lakes are a big plus;
5) fewer trees, primarily setting back from the lines of play, but certainly not to frame the hole or planted in memorium;
6) no more than two sets of tees, never of the symetrical runway variety, though square tees are okay;
7) no attempt at mixing the holes by par so as not to repeat(e.g. 4,5,4,3,4,5,4,3,4) or having a par 72 with a 10,4,4 mix;

few if any forced carries;
9) a routing which provides both expansive views of the course in spots, as well as a sense of isolation in others;
10) a course yielding many uneven lies with moderate elevation changes, but easily walkable by most;
11) one that incorporates the wind and other weather conditions "thoughtfully" into its design.
1) firm and fast;
2) minimal rough;
3) bent greens with grain;
4) no ornamentals;
5) firm, angular, non-white sand.
Which courses come closet to fitting the bill?