For each of the classic era architects such as Ross, Flynn, Tillinghast, Thomas, Macdonald, Raynor, Banks, Langford, Colt, Alison, Maxwell, etc what courses are closest to their original design and which course represents their design tendencies the best?
For Flynn, I would say that Rolling Green Golf Club may have the purest greens (except the troublesome 16th), greenside bunkers, fairways and tees. The fairway bunkering has been modified as have most of the bunker surrounds--there are far fewer flashed sand faces than originally built and the openings to the line of play are generally built up too high for the sake of expedient sheet drainage solutions. But on the whole, for an 80 year old course, it is remarkably intact.
Then again, except for sandy wastes being turned into discreet bunkers here and there, Shinneock Hills, especially with the ongoing green expansion is very true to Flynn's original design. Oops, forgot the lost 7th tee--I hope that is returned someday soon. I'm sure it is the cost of maintaining the sandy waste areas prevents them from being returned.
Ran Morrisett seems to think RGGC may embody the most design/routing philosophies of Flynn as well and I tend to agree.