I'm always happy to correct you
Mark Resnick, a very nice man who unfortunately passed away after battling Lou Gherig's disease for many years was the green chairman who lengthened the 11th hole.
The tee/dirt should be carted away, so as not to give any future green chairman any bright ideas on why they aren't playing that tee the way it was built and meant to be played.
Thanks for pointing out # 7 to me, I forgot about it.
But, you're right, it is too long now that than back tee was added.
I commented to my host, who happened to be Terry McBride, and others that I thought their Redan was also too long.
I believe the back tee puts it over the 200 yard mark, and as such negatively alters the play of the hole for most people.
What surprises me is that a good number of members at Westhampton are also members at NGLA and should see the ideal length for that hole, additionally, an inordinate number of Westhampton members play NGLA and should extract the same conclusion regarding the ideal length of the hole.
I believe the Eden at Yale, # 15, was also lengthened, and suffers from tree overhang on the left. That hole too, should be restored.
With respect to # 5 at NGLA, I'm anxious to return to the site to see if a tee can't be placed down and back, toward the left side 16th tee.
It is very clever of you to deflect attention to the new road/berm covers at # 8 and # 11. My understanding is that the town of Southhampton now requires, when you play at NGLA, that you register your tee off time, such that the town can have police officers stop traffic while you play those two holes, in an effort to eliminate the many accidents that occur when you bean passing motorists. In reading the Southhampton news, it appears that local joggers and bicyclists are now required to wear helmuts when you are at NGLA.