Name: Steve Lang.. aka in certain locales, TXSeve and slang
Physical Age: 50.5
Golf Age: 40+
Education/Vocation: BS Chemical/MS Environmental Engineer. Playing with big-oil's billion dollar toys.
Journey: Takoma Park, D.C.; Silver Spring, MD; Monroeville, PA; Toledo, OH; Cincinnati, OH; SF, CA; Mesa, AZ; Bowling Green, OH; Lima, OH (Lost In Middle America); State of Houston (The Woodlands), TX..
Favorite Drink: JD on the rocks
Favorite Arterial Challenge: French Onion Soup, Porterhouse with fries, broccoli with cheese sauce and a Baileys White Russian on the side with some NY Cheese Cake to top things off.
3 Most Memorable Golf Experiences: 1) Walking TOC on a balmy September Sunday; 2) missing a 7 foot birdie at TOC #17; and 3) Going OB at TOC #18 by 6 inches (arguably one of the widest golf holes in the world?) and later bowing to the crowd's misplaced admiration of my 4 foot bogey putt for a 77.
Avocation/MindlessPursuits: Golf alchemist.. Turning crap into gold and gold into crap. Computering golf course wind fields and water balances. Mining GCA archives and putting in my 2 cents worth. Attended MSU GCA class summer of 1999 at Boyne, haven't been the same since.
Sporting News: A 7-8 index with D-2M-4M-4-6-8-10-GW-P in the bag.
Original Home Course: Ottawa Park, Toledo. Vintage 1899, expanded to 18 in 1916 by

Site of first US Amateur Public Links Championship 1922
Current Home Courses : WCC Player, Palmer, Oaks, Pines, & TPC
Goal: Having a Pat_Mucci/TEPaul spectrum mind meld without any bias.
Most entertaining esoteric quote: The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa.
--Heisenberg, uncertainty paper, 1927