
Welcome to the Golf Club Atlas Discussion Group!

Each user is approved by the Golf Club Atlas editorial staff. For any new inquiries, please contact us.


Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #900 on: January 08, 2021, 12:18:22 PM »
Justin is a truly talented superintendent and a lover of GCA.  We worked closely at Briarwood and unfortunately, due to his disability, we were unable to complete the vision for our course.  A former assistant, Nate Bolhaus, has taken the reins and is doing a wonderful job while Justin consults from afar.  I hope that Justin will pitch in on this site; particularly regarding issues regarding the interface between maintenance and course design. 

Justin VanLanduit

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #901 on: January 08, 2021, 10:36:00 PM »
Justin is a truly talented superintendent and a lover of GCA.  We worked closely at Briarwood and unfortunately, due to his disability, we were unable to complete the vision for our course.  A former assistant, Nate Bolhaus, has taken the reins and is doing a wonderful job while Justin consults from afar.  I hope that Justin will pitch in on this site; particularly regarding issues regarding the interface between maintenance and course design.

Ur too kind Shelly.  U were a phenomenal advocate and supporter.  Love seeing the stuff u guys continue to do although is hard to see as I wish it was me and that feeling of “quitting” comes in.  All for the right reasons though.  Be well sir. 

Tommy Williamsen

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #902 on: January 08, 2021, 11:26:45 PM »
Justin, thanks for becoming part of our little messy group.
Where there is no love, put love; there you will find love.
St. John of the Cross

"Deep within your soul-space is a magnificent cathedral where you are sweet beyond telling." Rumi

Terry Lavin

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #903 on: January 09, 2021, 01:10:37 PM »
From my friend Bob Lively:

First of all I would like to thank you all for letting me join this large group of people who appreciate the game of golf as much as I do. My name Bob Lively I'm a golf course superintendent in the Chicagoland area. I actually did a feature interview back in 2009-2010 with Ray Hearn ( architect ) about the renovation we did at the Flossmoor Country Club. I'm not all sure what I can contribute to this forum but I love any discussion that revolves around golf present and past and am looking forward to sharing what I know about golf courses from a superintendents perspective.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

Robert Giuffra

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #904 on: March 28, 2021, 10:07:35 AM »
My Info
My name is Robert Giuffra III. I live in New York City and Southampton.  I’m in seventh grade.  I love golf course architecture.
Golf is first and foremost a game of strategy.  Old Tom Morris, the first great architect, did not manufacture strategic elements in his courses.  He found his courses in the lay of the land. He created bunkers out of animal burrows and greens out of slopes in the terrain. As the game evolved, architects like Charles Blair Macdonald and Alistar MacKenzie, began to incorporate deliberate strategic elements in their designs. Macdonald drew his inspiration from the Old Course, North Berwick and other early courses and popularized templates such as the Redan hole and my favorite, Punchbowl. Drawing on his experience designing trenches for the military during the Boer War, MacKenzie designed some of the most strategic courses ever built, from Augusta to Cypress.
Golf is humbling. I have been fortunate to have played some great golf courses. The design on these courses is truly magnificent. My favorites are Shinnecock and National, courses that border each other, but could not be more different in their style of play. Shinnecock is a championship golf course, where good shots are rewarded and errant shots are penalized -- sometimes severely. It plays far harder than its neighbor. National includes more blind shots, more opportunities to play running shots, and the rough off the fairways is not as heavy. Almost every hole at National offers the golfer different routes to the hole, with different risks and rewards. The greens at Shinnecock have more subtle contours than those at National. Both courses are of the finest quality, and I have no conclusive opinion on which course is better.  I look forward to discussing architecture and getting to know everyone.
Robert Giuffra III

Ira Fishman

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #905 on: March 28, 2021, 10:28:11 AM »

Welcome! I knew your Father many years ago. So glad to meet a rising gca fan and analyst.


Robert Giuffra

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #906 on: March 28, 2021, 01:21:16 PM »
Thank you.  Do you know my father or late grandfather?
I look forward to talking architecture with you.
Best, Robert

Ira Fishman

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #907 on: March 28, 2021, 01:25:54 PM »
Your father. I worked for the White House when he worked for the Senate Banking Committee. It was a long time ago so I would not be surprised if he does not remember me. Yes, look forward to discussing Gca.


Peter Pallotta

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #908 on: March 28, 2021, 01:34:38 PM »
Welcome, Robert!
I read your introductory post and the one on the Streamsong Blue thread and can see already that you'll be a valuable contributor here.
All the best

Robert Giuffra

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #909 on: March 28, 2021, 02:14:12 PM »
Thank you very much!
The people who you meet in golf really do make it a special game.

Steve Salmen

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #910 on: March 28, 2021, 06:30:47 PM »
Welcome to the DG, Robert.  I look forward to our conversations about golf courses.

Walker Thomas

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #911 on: March 28, 2021, 06:42:56 PM »
Name: Walker Thomas
Age: 21
Live: Currently studying Construction Management at Auburn University in Alabama, my hometown is Tampa, FL
Home Course: Palma Ceia G&CC

Hey everyone! My name is Walker Thomas and I have been keeping up with threads on this site for almost 2 years now and never got in contact with Ran to make an account until a couple weeks ago.

I have always had golf in my life. My father is a PGA member of 25+ years and has been very involved with my home club in Tampa. I never really cared for the game until for some reason I stopped and finally appreciated the sophistication and thought behind the design of my home course, Palma Ceia. I learned that there are people who do this as their profession and learned my home course was built by Donald Ross.
Since then I have been reading books about golf design by MacKenzie, MacDonald, Thomas, Discovering Donald Ross, etc. I find myself on this site, reading architecture books, looking at courses on maps, scouring through all my Confidential Guides for multiple hours a day trying to learn everything I can about golf courses.

I never started going on golf trips until this last year my father, brother and I flew up to Chicago to play Olympia Fields, Chicago, and Erin Hills. That was the highlight of my 2020. After this trip and playing Mountain Lake it is clear that MacDonald/Raynor are my favorite architects of the golden age! This past fall I was working for a general contractor on The Reynolds Plantation in GA this past semester and made some awesome day trips to see some cool courses in Aiken, Augusta, Atlanta. I met some GCA guys at Aiken GC and they were some of the coolest people I’ve met and inspired me to keep learning about architecture too! I will be working in Charlotte this summer and hoping to see some awesome courses in The Carolinas.

Happy to be part of this site and contribute to some discussions and meet some great people too! Thanks!


Marty Bonnar

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #912 on: March 28, 2021, 06:57:51 PM »
Having been a GCAer for nearly twenty years now and hitting the big six-oh! back in December, it’s really gratifying to see 7th-graders and 21-year-olds joining us. Welcome, young fellas. May your GCA journey be as happy and life-affirming as it has been for me. I’ve met, golfed and stayed with so many wonderful people here from all corners of the globe and made friendships that I value over just about everything else. Travel, see and play as many great courses as you can and enjoy all the wonders of the golfing world. Boy, I sound like an old man. Wait a minute - I AM an old man!
PS I’m in Scotland and you have to get here if you really want to know golf course architecture!
The White River runs dark through the heart of the Town,
Washed the people coal-black from the hole in the ground.

Brett Meyer

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #913 on: March 30, 2021, 06:31:41 AM »
Hi, I'm Brett Meyer! I'm 35 and a 3ish handicap who lives in Washington D.C, but I'm originally from Michigan and still spend a lot of time there in the summer. I've been interested in golf course architecture for about 20 years and toyed with becoming a golf course architect when I was in college, even spending a semester studying landscape architecture.

[/size]I'm a political scientist and work for an international think tank.[/size] Grad school/research took me to New York, then Berlin. Then when I was finished (most relevant for golf course architecture), my post-doc took me to London where I spent three years (2015-8). Perhaps even more than for my career, this was formative for my experience of great golf courses. Thanks to the accessibility of the UK's great courses, I would take the train every other week or so and visit some new place that I had read about/seen pictures of.

I've been lurking on this site for longer than I should admit but I've finally decided to contribute because I've seen enough of the commonly discussed courses that I feel that I can make a contribution to serious criticism (as per the recent call). I've been trying to do this for the past few months on my website, where I've been turning 5 years of golf course pictures (since the beginning of my time in the UK) into detailed reviews of the courses that I've seen.

Looking forward to meeting many of you and discussing a topic of common passion!

Jeff Schley

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #914 on: March 30, 2021, 06:52:31 AM »
Welcome Walker, Robert and Brett. New voices and views are always helpful. I have learned a lot from this site myself.

God bless.
"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice your gifts."
- Steve Prefontaine

Cal Seifert

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #915 on: March 30, 2021, 06:17:21 PM »

My younger brother is also studying construction management at Auburn at the moment. Small world. He is a sophmore. Welcome to the site.



Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #916 on: March 30, 2021, 07:21:06 PM »
Pro tip. FWIW this thread includes an somewhat outdated alphabetical list in the first few entries.,45175.msg988245.html#msg988245

Mike Sweeney

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #917 on: March 30, 2021, 07:56:05 PM »
Michael Sweeney
Age: 39, married with 2 boys 4 and 6 years old
Home: New York City
Home Course: Yale Golf Club
Ireland "Home" Course: Enniscrone Golf Club, Co Sligo

Speaking of "Truth to Power," I don't care about the Yale Golf Course golf architecture any longer. What they did to the YGC employees this past year is a complete disgrace. It has been reported to, and I hope they do the right thing for our friends that have been very kind to GCAers for 20+ years.

I am now 58 years old, and Kevin Na is a hero :)
"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us."

Dr. Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Kurt Everett

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #918 on: March 31, 2021, 01:56:10 PM »
Hey guys!
My name is Kurt Everett and I live in the Kansas City area.  I've lived in Kansas all my life and and a new member on GCA.  My great grandfather, Emerson Carey, founded Prairie Dunes, among other ventures in Hutchinson, golf is kind of in my blood.  I was a cart kid, Head Pro and later GM in the golf business before my current career.  I now manage sales for Loma Vista Nursery and ship trees and plants all over the Midwest. In season, I travel to Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana to see customers and am always looking to play new courses.
I'm glad I found this site and happy to be a member.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2021, 02:00:21 PM by Kurt Everett »

Jake Hoeffel

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #919 on: April 19, 2021, 08:23:16 PM »
Name: Jake Hoeffel
Age: 38
Married with three children (ages 6, 4, and 2)
Live: Abington, PA
Profession: Attorney
Handicap: 8.9
Home Course: Huntingdon Valley CC (PA)

I am thrilled to be here. I have been lurking for a while now and Ran was nice enough to grant me access recently. I am not sure when I first found GCA but it may have been a few years ago when I purchased Wayne Morrison's book on William Flynn as a gift for my father. We live very close to our home course and spend a lot of time at HVCC as a family, using all the amenities the club has to offer. I am lucky enough to currently serve on the Green Committee and I try to soak up the information that Scott Anderson and his talented assistants impart upon us.

I play most of my golf at home but have been making an effort to see 5-10 other courses during each season. I feel like I could spend a lifetime on the eastern seaboard and not see all the courses I want to see. Courses I am currently scheduled to see this season include Stonewall (all 36 holes), Whitinsville (MA)(all 9 holes), and Rolling Green. I am excited to see all of them.

I really enjoy golf and ingest a lot of different forms of golf "entertainment" (Golf Channel, PGA tour coverage, LPGA coverage, Youtube personalities, Instagram, this website, and magazines (plural)). I try to keep an open mind to all golf opinions, even when those opinions are clearly wrong. I am intimidated by the knowledge possessed by most (all?) of the contributors to this DG but look forward to discussing everything golf with you all.

Lastly, I truly believe that the golf course at HVCC is architecturally significant and I would be happy to show it to anyone who would be interested.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 08:24:59 PM by Jake Hoeffel »


Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #920 on: April 19, 2021, 08:52:07 PM »

Welcome to gca. Let me know when you’re coming to RG.
AKA Mayday

David Ober

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #921 on: April 26, 2021, 07:30:14 PM »
Welcome newbies!

Everyone here knows everything ... and nothing .... ;-)

Jon Sweet

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #922 on: May 04, 2021, 03:40:37 PM »
New to the site as of today. I believe I first came across the site while looking up Holston Hills after playing it the first time 4 or 5 years ago. Really have come to appreciate golf course architecture over the last few years. Cannot quite explain why I like what I like but certainly looking forward to learning more about it as we go. Been lucky to play some great courses and meet some great people along the way. I have caddied for the last 18 years, the last 14 of which have been part time on the weekends.  Would call myself a fairly big Ross fan and am really looking forward to a Wannamoisett trip I have this month.  I've lived in the Richmond area most all my life and am always up for a round of golf, fishing, or a hike. 

Tim Martin

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #923 on: May 05, 2021, 08:43:30 PM »
New to the site as of today. I believe I first came across the site while looking up Holston Hills after playing it the first time 4 or 5 years ago. Really have come to appreciate golf course architecture over the last few years. Cannot quite explain why I like what I like but certainly looking forward to learning more about it as we go. Been lucky to play some great courses and meet some great people along the way. I have caddied for the last 18 years, the last 14 of which have been part time on the weekends.  Would call myself a fairly big Ross fan and am really looking forward to a Wannamoisett trip I have this month.  I've lived in the Richmond area most all my life and am always up for a round of golf, fishing, or a hike.

Jon-Welcome to GCA! Wannamoisett is a marvel on the small piece of property and difficult to post a score with the par 69 scorecard. There is a fiendish set of greens but even more so on the shorter par four holes like 5,7,11,14. Enjoy and report back after you play.

Michael Chadwick

Re: Who Are You Guys(revisited)?
« Reply #924 on: October 26, 2021, 11:45:42 AM »
Michael Chadwick
Los Angeles, CA
33 yo
Home: Rustic Canyon
National: Ballyneal (waitlisted)
Instagram: mj_c_golf

Hi all. My one claim to recent golf lore is that the first 18 hole round I played as a child was at Tom Doak's NLE High Pointe. About which I published an essay in Vol. 6 of Caddie Magazine, with the aid of Mr. Doak fact checking my nostalgia.

I've enjoyed a sweet return to the game and its architectural heritage after falling out of love for well over a decade. Lurking on GCA helped rekindle the passion, and, along with acquiring The Confidential Guide, I never would have added courses such as Royal Ashdown Forest, The Addington, and Cleeve Cloud to an English itinerary in 2018.

Rustic Canyon is directly responsible for me dragging my feet in the search for a home club in LA. Perhaps some of you can dissuade me, but Riviera's price tag would prevent me from taking golf trips anywhere else ever, and LACC won't admit those who commit the mortal sin of working in the entertainment industry. But let's chat other ideas.

I use Instagram solely for golf, and--in the spirit of Ran--frequently hit the max character allotment in my post's caption. Just finished a first foray to the northeast, seeing Friar's Head, Somerset Hills, Aronimink, Lancaster, and Rolling Green. You can find me at mj_c_golf

Looking forward to enjoying more rigorous discussions of architecture than what's customarily found on IG comments.





Instagram: mj_c_golf
