No apologies for resurrecting this thread. The purpose is two-fold.
Firstly, I especially wanted to congratulate the other guys who, like me, have just, this very week, successfully completed the MSc Golf Course Architecture degree here in sunny Edinburgh. Guys, it was a pleasure and a privilege to meet every single one of you. It was incredible how so many guys from so many different cultures and backgrounds could gel so well! Have great lives/careers/relationships…
And I can’t wait for the Inaugural Annual Re-union Hackfest and Piss-up!!!
Secondly, I have decided that now would be a highly opportune moment for me to remove the Fatbaldydrummer suit and to reveal my ‘true identity’ to the Group (although some of you already know it - Sir Richard of Goodale esp.). I think I can now happily call myself a golf course architect, albeit one with the ‘L’ Plates still on the car!!! and looking for that first commission…..
So, here goes:
Name: Martin Bonnar
Age: 43
Location: Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland
Home Club: Balbirnie Park
H’cp.: Currently 19, principally due to studying my balls off this year. Probably play to about 13 or 14 normally…
Marital Status: Attached (to Nancy, another mad keen golfer). No kids - together at least.
Interests (outside of GCA): GOLF!!!, Beer, Wine, Malt Whisky, Food, the NFL (go Bears!), driving Nancy’s sports car too fast, Fly Fishing, hiking, vacations…
Top Three Favourite courses (so far in life…): Turnberry, Kingsbarns, Machrahanish (how predictable, eh?)
Gee, it feels kinda good to be ‘out of the closet’….
FBD (Martin!)