With the new format & Ran's mention of 211 participants registered, it seems to me to be a good time to do a new version of this classic thread, rather than wait for the old one to be reformatted.
I'd especially love to see more info from those out there in the biz - the old thread was awesome, but a few of the notable posters seemed reluctant to shed some light on their backgrounds.
My info:
George Pazin
Age: 34
Home: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Email: sunflowr@usaor.net
Occupation: T shirt printer
Just started playing the game about 5 years ago - always wanted to, felt I couldn't afford it, both time & money-wise. Was right on both accounts, but that didn't stop me. Got interested in golf course architecture after reading Geoff Shackelford's The Captain. Came across this site after doing a search on Mike Strantz some 20 months ago. Like many esteemed posters before & after me, became hopelessly addicted.
One piece of advice: Get out there, meet fellow posters, play some golf with them, & sit down & have a few drinks or lunch with them. The outing at Inniscrone/Applebrook, followed the next day with a wonderful round at Lehigh with Ray Cross & John the Super(sorry, I'm blanking on his last name), & lunch with Ran, John, Mark Fine & the empassioned Pat Mucci ranks right up there with other memorable experiences from my life.
If you're ever in the 'Burgh, please don't hesitate to email or call (412-369-7769 work - I'm usually there) - I'd love to play a round or grab a beer.
Damn, it's been a fun and life-changing 9 years since the above post. Got married, have an amazing 6 year son, had my knee rebuilt - and I now I rarely play golf.

I'm sure that will change shortly - that's what I keep telling myself, anyway. My email changed from above -
tshirts@nauticom.net is your best bet now, but I'm still a (kind of pathetic) t shirt printer. Not much, but it's my baby.
Advice still holds, 9 years later: get out and meet your fellow posters. I'm happy to say I've met quite a few of the people on this thread, and many others who didn't post on here, and to a person, they've all been terrific. Can't wait till I get overseas and meet some of my friends across the pond and on the other side of the world.