The links at Montrose, arguably the second oldest golfing ground at the world, updated substantially by Harry Colt, is under threat by coastal erosion (one tee has already sunk into the sea). The beach at Montrose, though beautiful, has clearly shrunk by at least 150 yards over the last century (looking at historic photographs).
Controversially, the local port authority continues to dredge the local Montrose harbour each summer and is now selling the sand to reinforce a beach in Aberdeen. A local oponent to the plan argues that this dredging is affecting the beach at Montrose and points to the fact that a beach slightly further away (in Lunan Bay) has actually expanded in the same time frame.
Does anyone know of a similar situation, or can point us to an expert who could comment on the likelihood of this dredging having a negative effect on erosion on a nearby coastline.
This is an extremely urgent situation, and any guidance or ideas would be greatly appreciated.