After the query, I read the first two repsonses, and I felt compelled to respond before reading the rest:
"How tragic, that the doers are being criticized to the point of inertia - how sad." Then, I remembered that I am subjected to a great deal of criticism daily, and I thought: "I must be doing something right to evoke such an opinion - at least I am not marginal, or worse, ignored.
My babies (At work) are continually being called ugly for a variety of reasons, usually for pricing. Yet, it would be a shame if we drove all of the creators away with the thought that the non-doers could have done it better, for less money, and ultimately, because we neglected to notice all of the things that were overcome to produce a happy, healthy child. If they are finding fault, they have neglected to tell us what they liked.
For Jeff, and all of the other neoclassicists, if you went away from GCA, would you miss the ONE insightful post that made you even better?
From one outside of the tremendous responsibilty of melding Mother Nature's unbespoke beauty into a siren of seduction, we non-makers are not in the arena?
Germans as the old joke goes "Don't like golf because they don't believe that it can be perfected". I want to be perfect, and struggle mightlily when I forget that I cannot be so.
As The Band sang: "Do it wrong 'til I do it right." You guys get so much right that we don't even see or realize. So, have goals, have dreams and make them come true.