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Evan Fleisher

Re:KPV--Friday Night At The Capri
« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2006, 11:21:33 AM »
Tommy, I get Palm Springs airport at 730PM, so are u guys there at 830 or so. John/Tiger

As soon as you get off the plane, call me and I'll give you the 411 where we are at, etc. (If the timing should work and if the guys want to delay dinner till 7:00 or ? ? ?)


Goldy and I don't get off the plane at LAX until 9:30pm...what are we to do?
Born Rochester, MN. Grew up Miami, FL. Live Cleveland, OH. Handicap 13.2. Have 26 & 23 year old girls and wife of 29 years. I'm a Senior Supply Chain Business Analyst for Vitamix. Diehard walker, but tolerate cart riders! Love to travel, always have my sticks with me. Mollydooker for life!

Jeff Goldman

Re:KPV--Friday Night At The Capri
« Reply #51 on: May 31, 2006, 01:33:10 PM »


Goldy and I don't get off the plane at LAX until 9:30pm...what are we to do?

I think we schlep to the car rental, drive 3 hours, and show up just as the bar is closing at the hotel....or just in time to make our tee times.   ;D  
That was one hellacious beaver.

Evan Fleisher

Re:KPV--Friday Night At The Capri
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2006, 01:56:29 PM »
You are probably right!  :o
Born Rochester, MN. Grew up Miami, FL. Live Cleveland, OH. Handicap 13.2. Have 26 & 23 year old girls and wife of 29 years. I'm a Senior Supply Chain Business Analyst for Vitamix. Diehard walker, but tolerate cart riders! Love to travel, always have my sticks with me. Mollydooker for life!


Re:KPV--Friday Night At The Capri
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2006, 02:29:43 PM »
Just an update on this. (a bump)

The updated list for tomorrow night @ 6:30pm is as follows:

1.  Scott Wood
2.  Tim Leahy
3.  Peter Pittock
4.  Bill McBride
5.  Jeff Formancyzk
6.  Steve Pieracci
7.  Sean Leary
8.  Scott Burroughs
9.  Ryan Simper
10. Jesse Jones
11. John Cullum
12. Lou Duran
13. Bob Huntley
14. Eric Frazen
15. Jim Davidson
16. Tommy Naccarato
17. Jeff Fortson
18. Dan King
19. Jason Topp
20. Tony Peterson
21. John Vanderborght
22. Pete Lavallee
23. Jerry Kluger
24. Joe Perches
25. John Bernhardt

For those who are arriving late, don't worry, we'll get the festivities all warmed-up waiting for your arrival!
« Last Edit: June 01, 2006, 05:39:57 PM by Thomas Naccarato »


Re:KPV--Friday Night At The Capri
« Reply #54 on: June 01, 2006, 03:45:02 PM »
Tommy, Wendy(caddie and gf) and I will get there whenever for drinks 8:30ish. Tiger
