Ooh, 12 holes! When I was younger, a bunch of us would go out to a short course at night and play night golf. Sadly, no one was at the clubhouse to take our money, but then we were municipal members anyways so that point is moot. Anyways, the layout of the course played best as 14 holes. We'd play 10-16 for the front seven, 12-18 for the back seven, and it was just such a fine and wonderful hoot!
The more I think about how I came into the game, the more I think that golf is best played for fun and well-matched competition, not for overall score. It's a pity we don't have a handicap system that works with match play. I'm sure someone could come up with something - afterall, there are chess rankings and they aren't based on any kind of "scoring average."
I'd love to see threesomes become the norm. They're so much quicker than foursomes.