I have been following the thread and though that funny fellow Jeff and the ever stalworth Forrest have taken a slight side bar, I don't mind it because it has been interesting to hear their thoughts/experience on this important subject of irrigation. To me, it does have considerable impact on construction costs in sand for comments that Tom, me and others have noted, though maybe not as directly connected as one might initially think, and I have also enjoyed the comments from the supers...they are the ones who often live and die by this essential element. I even think they have taken something away from this thread as least I hope so.
I don't always read the replies for their direct response, but the valuable overtones and insight between the lines are great too as irrigation impacts essential design intent as Jeff, Forrest and Tom D. have suggested. Also, having the experience of working on courses for many years and being that young lad who ran his ass off, and getting soaked night after night I might add, turning heads in and out of quick couplers down old center row systems with no 'control' but my brain, I can REALLY relate to the comments about the irrigation system, oops lost in the moment and noticed a nostalgic tear running down... and now even more as an architect and the affect it has on my design work.
Overall, this is the beauty of this site. When I started this thread, I never thought it would go where it went, but now, and though the comments are strayed a bit they are interesting and relevant to design, maintenance, ownership, construction, philosophy of the industry and the game itself and certainly the affordability of golf.