Chicago Golf Club
I think it is the hole before the redan, not sure the number. The green outline is roughly the shape of Texas including at least 2 perfect 90 degree angles, but with some extremely strong transition areas, and small portioned levels. Unbelievable and brilliant. Back center pin location dimensions about the shape and size of a one car garage, with a steep entry. (anyone have photo?)
Meadow Club
Hole 3, imagination necessary, thought process required.
Kingsley Club
13, imagination necessary, thought process required.
Cypress Point
8, 9, imagination necessary, thought process required.
Spyglass Hill
4, imagination necessary, thought process required.
Lost Dunes, Rustic Canyon, Greywalls
Many, imagination necessary, thought process required, especially if fast and firm, we played LD wet.
Bandon Trails
5, imagination necessary, thought process required.
Waverly CC
17, Lag putts with hip turn