I recently noticed a trend with Ron Prichard's last three restorations/renovations(Lakeshore, Beverly, Idle Hour). All three superintendents who started with those projects are no longer at those particular clubs. Anyone care to speculate why?
Sure, I'll report in, since I was the chairman of the committee that hired a new superintendent. There was way too much grousing among the members about the condition of the golf course. Last year was a drought year and there were many challenges presented to the service that took care of our golf course.
So we decided to make a change and see if we could identify a superintendent who could make an immediate impact on the major issue according to the membership: inconsistent green speeds. Some days they would be fast some days they would be very slow. We are looking for consistently quick (not wacky fast, but quick) greens.
So far, Keith Peterson, our new superintendent, has done a terrific job. He's had ideal conditions this spring, to be sure, but Beverly hasn't looked or played this good in at least five years, IMHO.
To directly reply to the inference in your post, the change at Beverly had NOTHING to do with Ron Prichard. The subject never came up. Never.
Hope all is well with you, Jon. We enjoyed your work at Beverly.