Marc, The problem is that the clubhouse is at the bottom of a steep hill up which you must climb to reach the 1st green. So, it seems to me that if you need alternative starting points you have to move the clubhouse - expensive! But I don't have the vision of a golf club architect. There is already some chaos in the area of the clubhouse with the 8th tee shot played out across the 18th fairway. If you are talking about creating brand new holes, the topography is a major factor - there are lots of hills and big drops.
If anyone wants to draw it out to scale here are the hole lengths:
1 302/4
2 289/4
3 411/4
4 172/3
5 466/4
6 530/5
7 334/4
8 361/4
9 402/4
10 347/4
11 183/3
12 394/4
13 468/4
14 158 3
15 483/5
16 359/4
17 304/4
18 406/4
There is another factor, which is that the map suggests that the 5th green and 6th tee are close to the 14th and 15th holes. They are not. They are separated by a large chunk of non-golf-club land. There is also a practice area between the 10th and 12th holes.
If the requirement is to get two greens and two tees close enough together to be able to form 9th and 18th greens and 1st and 10th tees, then there is only two: where the 1st and 7th greens and 2nd and 8th tees are fairly close; also 16th and 8th greens, 9th and 17th tees. The trouble with the former is the hills, with the latter that there is no access through Bath University.
But, as I say, I have no vision, which is one (of many!) reason why I am not a golf course architect!