I played MacGregor Links many times during my college career, as it is the home course (or one of) of the powerhouse Skidmore Golf Team. The condos multiplied during the years I played there (something like 8-10 tournament days there), and the course changed from a forested step back in time to a bit of an eyesore.
It seems to have always had a few too many trees, and the condos make some of the holes downright ridiculous. One condo is literally 5 yards or less from the fairway, and at the bottom of a blind layup area on a par 5 no less.
The bones of a good course may be there, but now its a waltz between the OB stakes and condos. #s 3, 7 and 13 may be great holes, but 1, 2, 8, 10, 15!!!, and 17 are a bit funky. The rest are just benign.
To be restored, you would need much more width, which on most holes has been turned into someone's backyard.