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Paul Jones

RTJ: The Judge 17th and 18th...
« on: May 05, 2006, 10:20:37 AM »
I recently played the RTJ Trail in Prattville.  The Judge Course has a spectacular view from the 1st hole and I was really excited about playing the course.

However, the 17th and 18th were terrible.  After I played, I asked an employee about that he said the 17 and 18th holes were after thoughts.

Does anyone know more about the story and why would the final 2 holes be an after thought?
Paul Jones

Glenn Spencer

Re:RTJ: The Judge 17th and 18th...
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2006, 12:20:48 PM »

That is absoutely crazy!!! I have never heard of such a thing, I am sure there is some sort of reason.

Don Dinkmeyer

Re:RTJ: The Judge 17th and 18th...
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2006, 02:34:42 PM »
I've played the Judge once. I dont think its the best course in that Prattville complex. When Nationwide Tour played their finals there, it was the links course (name escapes me).

The Judge #1 is from the top of a roller coaster, right? That's no way to start a round --- and i'd be interested in other opinions. It truly takes what the land gives at that point, but as I recall the rest of the course is almost completely in the "downhill area".

As for 17/18, I dont have much of a recall - although they come back up toward the clubhouse and the links course is on the right?

Not memorable!

Brian Marion

Re:RTJ: The Judge 17th and 18th...
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2006, 04:57:55 PM »
I can't remember 17 as it was some years ago but I do recall 18. At the time everyone in my group, 12 or so golfers in all, agreed that 18 was terrible. A waterfall and dogleg right up the hill if I remember correctly. Pretty ugly hole.


Re:RTJ: The Judge 17th and 18th...
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2006, 04:59:55 PM »
I've played a number of courses on the RTJ Trail, and think least of the Prattville Judge.  Didn't play the others.  Every hole seemed to be uphill to a blind greensite, with lots of fall offs and chip backs.  There weren't many holes I felt were first class.  The 17th and 18th were terrible, short, strange angles, and then the $1 million corkscrew bridge back up the steep hill to the clubhouse.  A wasted day's effort.

By contrast, the Lake and Links courses at Auburn are fun, and the Greenville courses, Canyon and Sherling, are pretty exciting.  Much more worthwhile playing at either facility.  The Dothan courses are more traditional than any on the Trail and are fun as well.  I won't be returning to Prattville.

Doug Wright

Re:RTJ: The Judge 17th and 18th...
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2006, 06:20:40 PM »
I'm off to the Trail this weekend and will be playing the other two courses at Prattville (sounds like we're fortunate not to be playing The Judge... ::) )as well as the courses in Greenville and Auburn and will report back.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2006, 06:20:57 PM by Doug Wright »
Twitter: @Deneuchre

William King

Re:RTJ: The Judge 17th and 18th...
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2006, 01:19:34 PM »
I'm off to the Trail this weekend and will be playing the other two courses at Prattville (sounds like we're fortunate not to be playing The Judge... ::) )as well as the courses in Greenville and Auburn and will report back.

Good choices Doug; I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the Legislator. I have only played the Senator and my swing was so off that I was not able to keep out of the heather for half the round. I would like to try it again. Loved the other 2 on your schedule, with the exception of the Loblolly 9 @ Greenville, just OK. I'm off to Alabamastan tomorrow to play Tannehill and perhaps the Capstone Club. Anyone been to Tannehill?
