"In this neighborhood, I've always wondered the same thing about Philly Cricket Club, where the 36 hole Tilly plans exist, but Hurdzan & Fry built the Militia Hill course to their own specs."
Some think there was a second Tillinghast course design laying around all these years for Philly Cricket that they could've done when they decided to build Militia Hill.
That's not true. Originally Tillinghast submitted a plan to build 36 holes at Philly Cricket. The Wissachichon course was not one of the two. The club decided not to do the 36 hole plan so Tillinghast scraped everything and just built the Wissahichon course that, again, was not one of the two original 36 hole courses.
So Philly Cricket did not have the option of building Tillinghast's second course when they did Militia Hill all those years later.