I'm totally with Mark Fine on this subject. Within reason I think any golfer should be able to play the tees he wants to play---again within reason. Obvioiusly noone wants to see Grandma playing the tip tees, obviously including Grandma.
A good rule of thumb is probably to apply the title of this thread---eg "Comfort Zone".
I can't imagine why a 30 handicapper would enjoy playing the tip tees on a golf course and the issue of keeping pace is all about keeping pace, not necessarily which tees someone plays from.
I got into the habit of playing the tip tees all the time on any course I played, and I did that for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to see the whole course and, second, I did it because for about twenty years I played nothing but tournament golf and playing just tournament golf you have to play from the tip tees.
My problem was that playing at the level I was competing at I was always unusually short compared to most of my fellow competitors, particularly with a driver but still I had to do it somehow, so I always wanted to be used to tip tees on any course.
Just as an example that some might be able to relate to, even when playing at my best from the tips at PVGC I'd generally have to steer a little left off the tee on #6 instead of trying to go over the right side, and I'd have to steer a little right sometimes on #13 instead of going over Holman's Hollow and on #16 from the tips I'd have to go a little left.
So I think within reason any golfer should be able to play the tips he feels are in his comfort zone whatever that is, and, again, pace is just pace despite what tees one plays.
This enforced policy in GB that no one can play from the tips, no matter who you are, unless it's during the "medal" rounds is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Craig Ammerman and I ran into that all the time a couple of summers ago. On one course we were behind a bunch of hackers playing a medal round for handicapping from the tips and they were all over the place holding us up. When they finally let us through and saw we were playing from the tips they got all over us and told us we couldn't do that.
After teeing off through them from the tips we just said; "OK, no problem" and as soon as we were past them we just kept playing the tip tees.
Some of the people on here who think the tip tees should only be for big hitters is even dumber, in my opinion. If tip tees are only for big hitters than I think there's probably some flaws in the design of the golf course.
I was particularly struck by that really cool little South African Tim Clark in the Masters. He said the course was obviously best for him when it was firm and fast and if it was wet he felt there were a few par 4s he probably couldn't even reach with his two best shots.
Should ANGC refuse to let Tim Clark play from the tip tees because he's not very long?
In case anyone forgot, Tim Clark finished second in the Masters last week.
Again, if any golfer is playing tees where there're forced carries and such he can't possibly make even with his best shot, I can't imagine why he would enjoy that. If that kind of thing is NOT outside his "comfort zone" than what is?