I'll dive in with Andy and say that I'd play POW 8 out of 10 over Lost Dunes and those two times would be to see some burried elephants in greens. POW is solid, nothing tricked up, pure golf-A course that rewards a great shot and penalizes a poor one. I don't care foe some of the tricked up greens at Lost Dunes...over the top, IMO. I'm guessing that to most POW goes against everything that GCA is about cause it doens't have natural looking bunkers, wild greens and wasn't designed by one of the tree houses' favored sons, but POW was built at a time when RTJ didn't miss-Bellreive, Peachtree, POW and The Dunes Golf and Beach Club-All have been in the Top 100 and have stood up for 40+ years. I'd take POW over Arcadia and would give it thought against The Downs, though part of that might be cause it's so far away.
Tony Nysse
Asst. Supt.
Long Cove Club