If it was someone I knew and liked, I'd STRONGLY encourage them to hire someone who knows what the hell they are doing instead of hiring me because I like to golf and have seen more courses than most golfers (but less than the vast majority of GCAers)
If it was someone I didn't know or didn't like, I'd happily take their money and have a ball doing my best, and regularly picking the brains of gca.com membership for suggestions.
The most obvious design feature that would distinguish a Siebert design compared to other such housing tract courses is that I'd build some really wild and crazy greens, you can hide a lot of sins of bad design and routing with some fun and interesting greens, and closely mown chipping areas around the greens. Hopefully when it rained the water wouldn't all pool up in the middle of them due to my complete lack of knowledge about drainage, turf health and pretty much everything that architects do for a living