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Not Being a Southern Boy
« on: April 15, 2006, 04:46:39 AM »
I was curious about a few things.

1. How many hours does it take to drive from Raleigh to Augusta.  I am guessing 7, but I don't really know.

2. I think there are a few clubs which open up for Masters week.  Which are they?  Where are they?  Are they worth the effort to play?  How does one go about getting tee times?

3. What are some decent places to stay near these clubs that open up and near Augusta?

4. Is the par 3 day at the Masters worth seeing?

5. Is there any special info I should know about while trying to organize a trip to the Masters for 2007?


« Last Edit: April 15, 2006, 04:47:21 AM by Sean Arble »
New plays planned for 2025: Wentworth Edinburgh, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Brent Hutto

Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2006, 06:28:42 AM »
Nowhere near seven hours, Sean. It's been a while since I went to Raleigh but from my house it was maybe four hours, tops. With no stops call it 3:40-3:45. From my house I can be in Augusta in about 1:30-1:35 so I'd say from Raleigh to the first Augusta exit on I-20 is about 5:15. Now during the Masters you have to allow a lot of time for traffic once you get off the Interstate and I don't have a good idea of how much.

IMO, the place you'd want to play Masters week is Palmetto in Aiken. They open it up to the public that week and I doubt they gouge on the green fees as much as some of the other clubs. Keep in mind that lodging in/around Augusta that week is hard to get. Many people end up staying up or down the Interstate an hour or so in place like Columbia (my home town). The local courses around here jack their prices up that week pretty substantially. Another place that would be interesting to stay is in Athens which is about the same distance south of Augusta as Columbia is north, especially if you can get on Athens CC which is a fine course indeed.


Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2006, 09:58:04 AM »
They gouge you pretty good at Palmetto, just like everywhere else. I would second Brent's nomination for the Athens area. Unless things have changed in the last few years, they are a little too far to get into the price gouging game.

Wednesday of Masters week will not likely be satisfactory, unless you really want to be a spectator at a family picnic. There is no play on the competition course on Wednesday afternoon.
"We finally beat Medicare. "

Andy Doyle

Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 03:26:31 PM »

I've been to the Masters practice rounds on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesday - Tuesday is my favorite day and Wednesday is my least favorite.  Players only have time for 9 holes before the par 3 tournament, which obviously limits the players you can see.  The par 3 tournament is a lot of fun to watch, but it is VERY crowded.  To get a decent spot to see anything you have to go early, which even further limits your time out on the course.

If you don't care about seeing the golfers & want to just walk around and look at the course, then Wednesday would be perfect.  Most of the crowd is on the par 3 course & you can wander the rest of the property.  One year we sat at the 16th green for probably 30 minutes watching the tournament committee deciding on the hole location for the first round.

My $.02:

I wouldn't try to play golf anywhere around Augusta that week - it's really crowded and very expensive.  When you're in Augusta I would spend my time at ANGC - they open the gates at 8 am and don't start herding people out until around 6 pm.  As others have suggested, I would play somewhere in route well outside of Augusta.

If you are going to the tournament for more than 1 day, then by all means stay in Augusta - but book your accomodations well in advance and expect to pay $100+ for Comfort Inn-level accomodations.  If you have tickets for just 1 day, then I would stay well outside Augusta (e.g. Columbia) and drive in early.  But if you want the whole Washington Road party atmosphere, plan on spending a bunch and dealing with big crowds.



Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2006, 08:24:18 PM »
From Chapel Hill about 4 41/2 going 95 to I-20 (as opposed to through Charlotte.

Cory Lewis

Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2006, 08:50:18 PM »
My dad and I went to the masters for the first time this year, we stayed at our place in Pinehurst on Saturday night, then drove to Columbia on Sunday, stopping along the way to play Camden Country Club which I give my highest recommendation to, it's a great old Donald Ross course with some fantastic greens, and a very relaxed atmosphere.  It's very convenient because it's right off Route 1 on the way from Pinehurst to Columbia.  

Pinehurst is not any more crowded then usual that week, it's actually fairly quiet midweek.  Our Comfort Inn hotel in Columbia Sunday night only cost us sixty bucks, of course I booked it five months in advance. It's roughly four hours from Augusta to Pinehurst.  
Instagram: @2000golfcourses

Paul Payne

Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2006, 09:01:56 PM »

If you are looking for another course on the way back I'd actually consider the Aiken CC otherwise known as the Highland course. It is a local gem from 1912, member dedsigned, and I love the course. It only plays about 6100 yards par 71 ( I think Palmetto is around 6500) but it is beautiful, challenging, and the greens are undulating and excellent. during their last rennovation they kept the old features like waste bunkers and pampas grass that make it tough for its length. It is built on classic Peidmont sand country and feels like an old course should. I could give you a hole by hole description but that would be excessive wouldn't it?

I have played most of the courses in the region and I never understand why this one doesn't get more attention. I usually make sure to play both Palmetto and Aiken every time I am in town.

If you want to drop some coin for premier lodging look at the Wilcox Inn in Aiken. Normally expensive, I am sure during the Masters they will scalp you. I will say you will not find a better hotel in the region and I include some of the best in Charleston, Pinehurst, Raleigh, and Atlanta in that statement. They also have a guest membership at Palmetto but it may not be worth anything Masters week. The dining room is one of the best restaurants in town.

If you want to keep your wallet intact, stop by the brewpub in Aiken and say hello to Mary and Lanny. They brew some good beer and if you drop my name they will either comp you one or throw you out on your ear. I can't remember the state of our relationship the last time we parted ways.

Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip.




Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2006, 09:57:16 PM »
Email me Sean and I will poop you up.

paul cowley

Re:Not Being a Southern Boy
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2006, 10:21:27 PM »
Sean....our own Patriot course in Greenwood SC has a lot of  play during Masters week and you might find the 18 of are about one hour north of of the most, if not the most prominent member of ANGC has a membership there as well....although I doubt you will bump into him that week.

I would be happy to help with arrangements,
Your O'b'd'nt Colonial,
p :)ul
« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 10:03:18 AM by paul cowley »
paul course architect/asgca
