Don't take it personally. Thomas seems to think we need help in order to design a decent golf course... Unfortunately, we don't offer internship programs.... But continue to push your way out there, it will work sooner or later...
You act like I'm ready to bomb Canada. Trust me when I say this, I'm not. I'll leave that chore to the Bush Administration!
Yannick, I explained that the comment was more to agitate you and Jeremy in a friendly way. It would seem I got under your skin and I'll apologize for that.
From my travels, I will make it up to Canada someday. Not now, but someday because I do want to see Stanley Thompson and Vernon Macan and the Rod Whitman's and others who've resided in the Great White North. Right now I have other places which are just as important that are with-in reach.
Ask Jeremy how long I have cavorted with him on these web sites and he'll tell you it's just my dry sense of humor. But he'll also tell you how I've always loathed the type of architect your boss has fancied himself as. The pictures I've shown prove that with all of that containment mounding and the like. If you are in fact changing him--all for the better.
Trust me when I say this, I hope Golf Club Atlas inspires you to be a better golf architect/designer.